Huqbani, deputy minister of Labor, confirmed that the Nitaqat system, which was established to nationalize private sector jobs and reward employers who have high percentages of Saudization, will be implemented on Sept. 11, as per plans established earlier this year. Dr. Al-Huqbani said the system is pragmatic and fair, and that three months before the implementation date, the Ministry of Labor provided employers with their classification, which gave them time to rectify their data and situation. The enterprises have to address their situations and reach the high zones by employing Saudi workers and achieving the required nationalization percentages. Employers in the higher zones are entitled to a number of benefits and those in the lower zones face restrictions on hiring and visas Dr. Al-Huqbani said the Ministry and its sister institutions are continuously monitoring the readiness for launching the system. The Minister of Labor recently issued a decision to form an Executive Council that will follow up on preparations for the system's debut and coordination with the Ministry's internal institutions. The Council will also look into initiatives and projects for the Nitaqat system, and specify priorities for pursuing them. To prepare for the implementation of Nitaqat, the Ministry of Labor carried out an introduction and marketing campaign to acquaint chambers of commerce with it. The effort also helped the private sector and the chambers work as partners in designing, executing and developing the new system. Ministry officials also held meetings with intellectuals and the media in the Kingdom to acquaint them with the system and benefit from their observations and suggestions. __